Yes i fear this word,
Yes i fear to face this world.
At times when alls still and all is wild
I feel it inside me clear.
At times when all are here,
When i am being cared
I feel it inside me deep.
It is this fear that makes me not trust,
Not sing along the melody gale,
Not swing along the happy sail,
Not love the loving soul.
What is this fear,why is this fear,
The question being the answer to self,
The steps retraced when steps paced ahead,
The mocking fate prying around,
Its hard,its never the same.
If i could,yes,if i could,
Rewrite my story again,
I would start from the place i began.
Erase, what is called PAIN,
Thrashing loneliness to oblivion
And just a little love to gain...
(another phase of our lives which sometimes sojourns in us or may even rest deep seadtedly)