I felt this urgent need to include something quite opposite to my usual posts.more so because i fear that my readers would start calling my blog an overdose of emotional content.blogs are just like shopping malls,you need to offer newer things every other day than your counterparts do or else be prepared to pull down the shutters.obviously its hilarious to draw a comparison between a shopping mall without customers and a blog without readers but its at this hilarious note that i suddenly jumped on from poetic verses and prose to COUNSELLING.why not keep the integrity of my name?(yes,browsing through the pages of a Baby names book,i discovered that Monika means a ‘counseller’.thanks to the publisher for saving me from a really ‘meaningless’ name.)
So here’s me in a all new Avataar,sharing titbits about...well about US ,the girls;)
Here are 7 ways to reach a girl’s heart faster(not at super sonic rate but can prove to be catalytic)

THE HALO WORKS- you maybe a cricketer,a politician’s son,a die hard metal fan,an atheist ,a geek or a heartthrob...but what counts in the eyes of girls is the decency you have with you –‘decent and well mannered’-prerequisites to be in the limelight.
THE CINDRELLA SHOE-you don’t need to carry the glass shoe and wonder who would befit it.rather check out your own footwear.a passage to a girl’s heart is through your evenly polished shoes,you might not want to fall short on it.
WATCH OUT YOUR WATCH-to have a track of time implies you have a track of everything else-health,wealth,duties,errands ,relationships,to brief up-of the track of life. All you need is a time tracker- a Wrist watch.
CARRY THE ASTRAY-if you smoke,don’t leave the trail behind on the floor,use a fancy astray(create 1).even though girls are getting used to boys fluffing smoke into the air,think of the damage you are doing to her sponge like lungs.
BE A COCONUT-dats a mantra- a wall from outside but a cotton candy from inside.
TALKATIVE-ARE U?-a quite controversial matter.its natural to like a person who voices out his feelings but than too much of chatter and clatter on your part can become annoying.so its better to be a man of few words but the best and apt words.
BE HER “MAN”-Toby Maguire can be Spideman,Pattinson can be Bella’s Edward( the vampire man;))- you just need to be her MAN.its your task to melt your girl and no one on earth can sit for that exam on your behalf.cause there are some vows which only YOU can make and keep.only you can assure that you are your lady’s fellow traveller when she would embark on her life’s journey.it is you alone who can make her feel loved and secured.
Hapy courtship...
P.S. none of the contents written above are meant to hurt the priced sentiments of my readers.its a pure work of fiction alone.
I think, i need to work....on......
all of them :(