INSPIRED (2nd June 2006)

Faint music and voice so low,
Still were the steps graceful and glow,
As little drops fill the sea,
Her little steps could enthrall the Thee.
Sadness and happiness for you and for me
But why is that happy you and not me?
Had I been in her place,
I would have said-
Life is not a bed of roses, but still not of thorns too,
Then is that I crave for more and lose all that I have too.
Fame is what I fight to win
But she likes to be her own pleasure queen,
Simple stuffs are her possessions,
Which I keep and throw at will
Call her poor but me too neither rich!
She can learn when none to teach
Then why can’t I when I have others who preached.
Life started from the same soul for both of us,
I will end and she too in the same dust.
Everything is the same for her and for me,
The only difference, our minds not alike,
The opposite approach we have for life,
Stir my thoughts from from land to sky…

Faint music and voice so low,
Still were the steps graceful and glow,
As little drops fill the sea,
Her little steps could enthrall the Thee.
Sadness and happiness for you and for me
But why is that happy you and not me?
Had I been in her place,
I would have said-
Life is not a bed of roses, but still not of thorns too,
Then is that I crave for more and lose all that I have too.
Fame is what I fight to win
But she likes to be her own pleasure queen,
Simple stuffs are her possessions,
Which I keep and throw at will
Call her poor but me too neither rich!
She can learn when none to teach
Then why can’t I when I have others who preached.
Life started from the same soul for both of us,
I will end and she too in the same dust.
Everything is the same for her and for me,
The only difference, our minds not alike,
The opposite approach we have for life,
Stir my thoughts from from land to sky…
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